
Long Distance Hiking

Druidensteig - Stage 6 From the Bindweide pit to Hachenburg

Route profile

Length / Distance 16,6 km
Rise 382 hm
Descent 343 hm
Duration 4,7 h
Highest point 443 hm
Lowest point 222 hm


In the tour planner we inform you under the tab "Current info" about temporary route changes, closures and detours.

To the Tour Planer


We start at the Beuscherbergwerk Grube Bindeweide and make our way up to the Steinebergerhöhe. There we climb the original Barbara Tower, from which we enjoy a magnificent view. The quality hiking trail leads us down to the tranquil village of Limbach with its lovingly designed village museum. The Assberg roof slate pit awaits us as another attractive mine for visitors, which leads us down 112 steps into the historical mine. This is followed by the descent into the Nistertal to the picturesque Marienstatt Abbey. Here the romantic monastery garden and the monastery's own brewery invite you to take a breather. Past the Nistermühle, the stage takes us through the narrow "Kleine Holzbachschlucht" gorge up to the medieval town of Hachenburg. The Druidensteig ends there at the Westerwald Landscape Museum, which, with its numerous exhibits, tells us about life in the Westerwald in times long past.

Brief description

The varied stage of the certified quality hiking trail offers numerous highlights.


From Hachenburg (south): We leave Hachenburg via the Nisterstraße/L288 and follow the right-of-way before Nister to stay on the L288. At the next crossing we turn right to continue to follow the L288. About five kilometers further we turn right. Immediately afterwards we turn left onto the L281. We follow this road through Luckenbach and up the mountain to Malberg. In Malberg we turn right into Bindweider Straße. We follow this road out of Malberg to Steinebach an der Sieg, where we turn into Bindweider Straße and reach our destination, the Bindweide mine.

From Beztdorf (northeast): We leave Betzdorf via Steinerother Straße / L288. In Steineroth we follow Betzdorfer Straße. We leave the right-of-way in the village and turn right to stay on Betzdorfer Straße. In Elben we turn left into Steinebacher Straße. In Steinebach an der Sieg we leave the roundabout at the second exit and then turn left into Bindweider Straße. After approx. 200 m we reach the Bindweide mine.

Public transport

With the bus line 270 from Hachenburg to Gebahrshain. From there continue with the bus line 279 to Steinebach an der Sieg.

Taxi company:

Taxi Schmidt: Hachenburg, Tel.: 02662/6119 or 02662/6688

Taxi Uwe Bischoff: Hachenburg, Tel.: 02662/944444

Taxi Kappi-Tullius: Hachenburg, Tel.: 02662/939390


Free parking lot Bindweide visitor mine, Bindweider Straße 2, 57520 Steinebach a.d. victory


The sixth and last stage of the GEOROUTE Druidensteig begins in front of the Grube Bindweide visitor mine in Steinebach an der Sieg. The hiking route leads above the Grubenschmiede uphill into the forest. The hiking trail runs along a forest educational trail to the Steinebach barbecue hut. Via a gravel path we finally reach a level crossing and follow the rail track on a parallel meadow path along the edge of the forest. Shortly before another level crossing we reach a small seating area with a beautiful view over Steinebach and the Siegerland behind it. An information board reports on one serious accident, which occurred at the Bindweide pit. A commemorative plaque here commemorates the numerous miners who lost their lives not far from the site when water rushed in. After a short breather, we continue on our way to the Steinebergerhöhe and now follow a path through a beech forest. Arrived on the hill, we leave the forest area and stand in front of the impressive Barabaraturm. The historic winding tower was brought here from the Harz Mountains a few years ago and converted into a lookout tower. A steel staircase winds around the tower up to the sheaves. We accept the challenge and climb up the 19 meter high steel tower. Once at the top, a spectacular view over the entire northern Westerwald and far beyond into the surrounding low mountain ranges is impressive. We try to spot the stations explained on the panorama board in the distance and also discover the goal of today's stage - the Barocl Castle in Hachenburg. In the reconstructed shaft house below the tower there are two detailed information boards that give the historical background of the Baraba Tower and its journey from the Harz to the Westerwald. From the Barabaraturm we follow the Druidensteig over a high plateau with many meadows and fields. The distant view over the Westerwald stays with us for quite a while until we finally reach the village of Molzhain. From here it goes steeply down into the Lehmbachtal. We now follow our GEOROUTE through mixed oak forests to a small stream that has been dammed up here in the valley to form a private fish pond. A gravel forest path leads further down the valley from here. After a few hundred meters, a wooden bridge leads over the small low mountain stream. We finally hike through the quiet stream valley over forest and meadow paths to our next intermediate destination, the local community of Limbach. Arriving in Limbach, we leave our companion, the Lehmbach, and follow a small road along well-kept half-timbered houses to the center of the village, where we meet the river Kleine meet nesters. We follow the markings of the Druidensteig along the local road and pass the Limbach local history museum. In the old half-timbered house, the residents of Limbach have put together an exciting collection of historical exhibits and a number of curiosities. From the museum in Limbach we begin our ascent to the Aßberg. In a residential area, we turn into a meadow path that follows the slope and hike along it through the cattle pastures around Limbach to a cemetery. From here the ascent to the Aßberg continues. It is also worth taking a look back at the Westerwald village in the valley of the Kleine Nister. Arrived on the Aßberg, the Druidensteig leads south over a forest path. From there, the Druidensteig dives back into the woods. The terrain now slowly inclines towards the Große Nister and we follow broad forest paths down the valley through old trees. On the valley ridge above the Große Nister we reach the Assberg roof slate pit. A small refuge invites you to rest here. In a small protective porch we find information about the slate mining that used to be here. Steep steel stairs lead to a small quarry, which promises a nice cool down, especially on hot days.We continue our hike and follow a steep stairway through the former slate opencast mine into the Nistertal.The GEOROUTE follows the shore to a narrow steel bridge and crosses the broad upland river. We continue to follow the valley towards Marienstatt via gravel forest paths. However, before we reach the monastery area, the Druidensteig branches off from the wide path into a narrow forest path. Via this we come to a stone monument that marks the "Imperial Cemetery" from the time of the coalition wars in the 18th century. We now continue on forest paths through old trees. On the way along the Nistertal we pass the Felsenstübchen. An information board tells of the attempt to build a castle. This was once supposed to be a counterpoint to the monastery, but was then abandoned during construction. Along rugged rocks nwe approach the monastery Marienstatt. Near the opposite bank we can already see the stone walls of the monastery garden. We cross the mighty stone bridge and finally reach the monastery area. The large facility with gastronomy invites you to stay. After a detour through the monastic herb garden, we continue our hike through the valley of the Great Nister. At the Nistermühle we cross the river again and finally reach the village of Nister. On the outskirts of Nister, a steel footbridge helps us to cross the river again. Now it goes steeply uphill. A narrow forest path follows a small trickle up the mountain. We follow the deep green overgrown valley, the small Holzbach Gorge, to the Nisterhöhe. In the upper part, the path almost becomes a staircase with numerous steps. Arriving at the top of the hill, we follow a railway line for a short distance to a bridge. There is a small picnic area here, which gives us a welcome opportunity to take a break after the steep climb. After we have enjoyed the view of the Nistertal and the Nistermühle, which we already know, for a while, we continue our last stage of the GEOROUTE to Hachenburg . The Druidensteig leads us through an avenue between willows to the outskirts of Hachenburg. We follow the outskirts of the settlement towards our stage destination. However, before we reach the striking gabion in front of the Westerwald Landscape Museum, the hiking trail takes us on a short excursion through the castle garden with its ancient trees. In front of the entrance building of the Landscape Museum we have reached the end of the GEORUTE.

Safety instructions

Wear sturdy shoes and weather-appropriate, functional clothing that protects you from cold and wet or heat and sun. Take enough liquid with you. Refreshments are not available everywhere. Please put on suitable hiking shoes on the way, which will give you sufficient grip even on slippery and steep or rocky and uneven paths. If you think that certain sections of the path are not accessible to you, then you should bypass them. Especially in adverse weather conditions, muddy and slippery passages can occur on natural paths. Especially in autumn, you have to make sure that the leaves lying on the ground can cover bumps, roots, stones or holes in the path. You have to reckon with path impairments of this kind when you go on a hike. Although the path is very well marked throughout, you should always have a suitable hiking map with you for safety reasons.


Wear sturdy shoes and weather-appropriate, functional clothing that protects you from cold and wet or heat and sun. Take enough liquid with you. Refreshments are not available everywhere. Please put on suitable hiking shoes on the way, which will give you sufficient grip even on slippery and steep or rocky and level paths.


During our hike we should take the time to take a break at the Assberg slate pit and at the Marienstatt monastery.


A KOMPASS hiking map north including the Druidensteig is available from the tourist information shop in Hachenburger Westerwald.


Landscape Museum, Leipziger Str. 1, 57627 Hachenburg

Starting Point

Bindweide Visitor Mine, Bindweider Straße 2, 57520 Steinebach a.d. victory

More information & GPX download


In the tour planner we inform you under the tab "Current info" about temporary route changes, closures and detours.

To the Tour Planer
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