

Brief description

Built probably by the Rheindorf Benedictine nuns. The chapel was formerly dedicated to St. Nicholas. 1977 Conversion to a cemetery chapel 

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Detailed description

Built probably by the Rheindorf Benedictine nuns. The chapel was formerly dedicated to St. Nicholas. 1393 St. Nikolausberg is mentioned for the first time in a sales contract. 1700 Enlargement of the nave, erection of the tower, decoration of the baroque altar.1912 Enlargement of the chapel. 1961 Formation of the independent parish of St. Laurentius, Niederbreitbach.1977 Conversion to a cemetery chapel 

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Contact and directions

If you decide to use Google Maps, your personal data will be processed by Google Inc. 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA. Google's privacy policy then applies: Plan arrival

Am Rosenberg
56589 Niederbreitbach