Eingeschneiter Wald

Hiking in the Hachenburg Westerwald

With its varied low mountain range landscape and a multitude of impressive natural beauties, the Hachenburg Westerwald with Kroppacher Schweiz, the Westerwald Lake District and the Upper Wiedtal is one of the most popular hiking areas in Germany. Cosy forests, wide plains, wild and romantic streams, impressive high plateaus with spectacular views, a multitude of hiking trails for a wide range of abilities - what more could a hiker's heart desire?
If you don't want to explore the Westerwald on your own, you are welcome to join one of our guided hikes. Our local hiking guides are looking forward to showing you the most beautiful spots and telling you a thing or two about their wonderful homeland.

Find the right hiking trails for your stay:

umgestürzte Bäume
Click here for the defect reporter Defect report for cycle and hiking paths

Find more experiences:

Radfahrer an der Westerwälder Seenplatte
Stadtführer führt seine Gruppe über den Alten Markt
Guided city tours
Teilnehmer eine Stadtrallye sitzen auf der Treppe vor der evangelischen Kirche und vergleichen ihre Antworten
Group offers
Das Bild zeigt die Allee gesäumt von Bäumen die auf die Abteikirche zu geht
Luftbild von der Stadt Hachenburg im Mittelpunkt ist das Schloss Hachenburg zu sehen