Luftbild von der Stadt Hachenburg im Mittelpunkt ist das Schloss Hachenburg zu sehen

The Hachenburger Westerwald recreation area

In the midst of sweeping valleys and shining lakes

surrounded by dense forests and meadows lies the pearl of the Westerwald: Hachenburg.

Between Cologne and Frankfurt, the three natural recreation areas of Kroppach Switzerland, the Westerwald Lake District, and the upper Wied Valley form the beautiful Hachenburg Westerwald.

In summer, the Hachenburg Westerwald is the setting for a natural and cultural spectacle, and in winter a dreamy refuge for slowing down in the natural landscape. At any time of the year, you will find unforgettable activities for both locals and visitors.

Drohnenaufnahme von Wanderinnen am Bergkreuz des Weltendepfades.
Kroppach Switzerland
Luftbildaufnahme vom Dreifelder Weiher
Westerwald Lake District
Zwei Wanderer besuchen die Burgruine Steinebach an der Wied. Luftaufnahme Andreas Pacek | Westerwald Touristik Service (CC BY SA 4.0,
Upper Wiedtal
Luftbild Schloss Hachenburg mit Sonnenaufgangn
City of Hachenburg